Monday, July 4, 2011


There's a teenager growing up in the White House as Malia Obama turns 13 today. See pics of the eldest First Kid inside....
Isn't it ironic that the President's eldest daughter was born on the 4th of July?  And it sucks that she won't be getting away with any of the stuff WE got away with at 13--boys, sneaking out, parties, and more boys.
With her NEW Secret Service Codename being Radiance, it fits her perfectly.  She's grown up into a young woman right before our eyes and we wish her well on her special day.
Later today, she will attend a special USO Concert and barbecue on the South Lawn with her parents and maybe some of those fireworks on display on the National Mall will be dedicated to her. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i bet they can't get away with anything being Obama's daughters.

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